Carlton Hill
2020 PRJ’s Cuvee
Estate Pinot Noir

2020 brought us many misfortunes. Covid 19 turned our world upside down. Fires ravaged our state and communities. And, for those who had the privilege of knowing him, we also had to endure the passing of Peter Royal Joy who died on September 13, 2020. This Carlton Hill vintage is now and forever dedicated to his memory.
Peter was a descendant of one of America’s first families who settled and developed the town of Boston in the mid 1600’s. His lineage proved to be strong. Peter’s lust for life led him down many paths, developing skills as a carpenter, photographer and teacher. Gifted with a mercurial mind and memory, Peter could instantly recall our times and adventures together which, for a number of us, went back as far as our days in grammar school. Sadly, Peter was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease at the age of 45. But, he would have none of it. His indomitable spirit carried him through the worst of times. As Parkinson’s continued to its relentless advance on him, he discovered Parkinson’s Place, where victims of this disease could find comfort and care.
With his larger than life personality, the minute he walked through the door he became a symbol of hope for all the Parkinson’s community , a super star of sorts, who was featured on local television and media outlets as a spokesman for the cause to cure Parkinson’s. Peter, we all miss you so much and convince ourselves that you are now in a better place. But our world will never be the same without you. RIP.”
Carlton Hill
2020 PRJ’s Cuvee
Estate Pinot Noir

2020 brought us many misfortunes. Covid 19 turned our world upside down. Fires ravaged our state and communities. And, for those who had the privilege of knowing him, we also had to endure the passing of Peter Royal Joy who died on September 13, 2020. This Carlton Hill vintage is now and forever dedicated to his memory.
Peter was a descendant of one of America’s first families who settled and developed the town of Boston in the mid 1600’s. His lineage proved to be strong. Peter’s lust for life led him down many paths, developing skills as a carpenter, photographer and teacher. Gifted with a mercurial mind and memory, Peter could instantly recall of our times and adventures together which, for a number of us, went back as far as our days in grammar school.
Sadly, Peter was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease at the age of 45. But, he would have none of it. His indominal spirit carried him through the worst of times. As Parkinson’s continued to its relentless advance on him, he discovered Parkinson’s Place, where victims of this disease could find comfort and care. With his larger than life personality, the minute he walked through the door he became a symbol of hope for all the Parkinson’s community , a super star of sorts, who was featured on local television and media outlets as a spokesmen for the cause to cure Parkinson’s.
Peter, we all miss you so much and convince ourselves that you are now in a better place. But our world will never be the same without you. RIP.
75 cases of this wine are available.